
Power CAT Automation Maturity Model – Power CAT Live

This post appears to be a video, which outlines the Power CAT Automation Maturity Model. The Power CAT team on Microsoft Teams provides best practices, guidance and resources to help architects, developers, and administrators, empower their organizations.

In this video, you'll learn about the Power CAT Automation Maturity Model, a step-by-step guide to help you and your organization become more efficient, reduce manual overhead and minimize errors by automating as many repetitive processes as possible. This model is designed to improve automation capabilities and drive towards an automated enterprise. The automation maturity model is designed to be implemented using Microsoft Power Platform.

So if you're an IT professional looking to streamline and automate your organization's workflow, this video is a great resource to help you get started.

The video can be found on the Power CAT YouTube channel at the following link:


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