How to build a multilingual canvas app using the new AITranslate function

If you're looking to develop a multilingual canvas app, incorporating the new AITranslate function could be a game-changer. In this blog post, the author shares insights on rolling out enterprise canvas apps across various geographies while providing multilingual capabilities in the app. Until recently, translating text was a time-consuming task that required a lot of effort, making it difficult for organizations to create multilingual enterprise apps. However, with the new AITranslate function, this process is much simpler.
The author delves into the functionality of the AITranslate function and offers a step-by-step guide for implementing multilingual capabilities in your canvas app. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this post, you'll be able to create an enterprise canvas app that caters to a global audience, communicating your message in their native tongue.
So, if you're looking for ways to elevate the impact of your enterprise canvas app, incorporating the AITranslate function is something worth exploring.
The post How to build a multilingual canvas app using the new AITranslate function appeared first on Debajit's Power Apps & Dynamics 365 Blog.
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