
Relate and Unrelate functions in Canvas Apps

Relate and Unrelate functions in Canvas Apps

In this blog post, you'll learn about two important functions in Canvas Apps - relate() and unrelate(). The relate() function establishes linkages between records through a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship in Microsoft Dataverse. On the other hand, the unrelate() function breaks the linkages between associated records.

By understanding how to use these functions, you can create more advanced and customized Canvas Apps that meet your specific needs. With relate(), you can establish relationships between different records, which helps to simplify data management and analysis. Meanwhile, unrelate() allows for more precise control over how records are related, giving you the flexibility to modify these relationships as needed.

Whether you're a seasoned Canvas Apps developer or just starting out, this blog post provides valuable insights into how to use relate() and unrelate() functions for better data management and analysis. So, dive in and start exploring the possibilities!

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	Inogic- Maplytics | Dynamics CRM Add-Ons | Development | Consulting
Inogic- Maplytics | Dynamics CRM Add-Ons | Development | Consulting

Inogic- Maplytics | Dynamics CRM Add-Ons | Development | Consulting

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