C# devs are having a meltdown… over Go?
C# devs are having a meltdown… over Go? The TypeScript team is rewriting the compiler… in Go. C# devs expected C#, but Microsoft said nope. No...
C# devs are having a meltdown… over Go? The TypeScript team is rewriting the compiler… in Go. C# devs expected C#, but Microsoft said nope. No...
AI isn’t asking questions. It’s just making assumptions. In consulting or sales, you learn fast: What customers want isn’t always what solves ...
Cancel Culture in IT: How Codes of Conduct Became Weapons Cancel Culture is happening in major communities to developers and contributors, lik...
FluentAssertions v8 is now paid software Free: Assert.True(result); $130 per developer: result.Should().BeTrue(); 😱 dotnet
Progressive Enhancement for JS is overrated. In today’s web, HTML + CSS + JS is a package deal. Almost every browser supports the trio, and le...
Alpine.js just clicked. 🎯 Its declarative syntax—attributes on HTML tags—is perfect for simple UI logic. Most of the time, I don’t even need ...
HTMX + ASPNET Core Razor = magic. ✨ But HyperScript? Not so much. 😅 As a developer, I gave HyperScript a try for client-side interactions. I ...
For newsletter subscribers who’ve gone quiet, try a re-engagement campaign. 🔄 Send an email with a catchy subject line like “We m...
Offer exclusive content to see who’s paying attention to your newsletter. 📚 Send an email with a free downloadable guide, a private web...
Use content-based surveys to gauge interest from your newsletter subscribers. 📝 A week or two after someone subscribes, send them a quick sur...