
Thinking Forward - Jukka Niiranen

Silence of the lambs

This blog post delves into the topic of confidentiality agreements, specifically as they pertain to former employees. The writer reflects on t...

9 months ago

My final Microsoft MVP award

After 11 years in the MVP program, the time has come to move on in life. Here's the background story on why I've decided not to pursue the awa...

1 year ago

This blog is now part of the Fediverse

How ActivityPub can make blog posts visible on the modern, decentralized social web. Reflecting on my 15 years of blogging and how the technol...

1 year ago

Thinking Quarterly, Q4/22

Quarterly digest of my writings on LinkedIn between October and December 2022. Includes topics on Power Platform evolution, governance, adopti...

2 years ago
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