
Azure CLI MS Graph Migration - (Beta)

Azure CLI MS Graph Migration - (Beta)

Beginning with the move from ADAL to MSAL, Azure CLI has been working towards migrating from the Azure Active Directory (AAD) Graph API to the Microsoft (MS) Graph API. While the complete shutdown of the AAD Graph has been postponed, Azure CLI has taken the next steps in migration by releasing a beta version using MS Graph. 


This version of Azure CLI is expected to move from beta to GA within the next couple versions of Azure CLI. The MS Graph CLI does have several breaking changes from the AAD Graph CLI. These changes primarily affect az ad commands including:


az ad app create az ad app credential reset az ad sp delete az ad sp credential az ad sp credential reset az ad group get-member-groups az ad group member add


You can check out the Azure CLI MS Graph migration doc for more information as well as how to install the beta version to test in your environment.


The CLI team would love your feedback on the beta version to make sure we capture any and all issues as we make this migration. To provide feedback, please create a GitHub issue in the Azure CLI repo.


Thank you all for using the Azure CLI and we look forward to hearing about your experience!

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