
Episode 439 - APIM Self Hosted Gateway

Episode 439 - APIM Self Hosted Gateway

This podcast episode features a conversation between Kendall and Sujit and Tom Kerkhove, a Software Engineer in the Azure team and maintainer of KEDA. The topic of discussion is the API Management Self Hosted Gateway option, a new feature that allows customers to host API Management capabilities in other clouds and on-premises. Listeners can gain insights into how this new feature works and how it can benefit them.

The podcast episode includes links to various resources where listeners can find more information about configuring, deploying, and migrating to the API Management Self Hosted Gateway option. Additionally, the episode includes updates about deprecation of basic authentication in Exchange Online, general availability of standard network features for Azure NetApp Files, and more.

If you're interested in learning more about API Management Self Hosted Gateway and other updates related to Azure, this podcast episode is a great resource worth checking out. You can listen to it on Spotify via the provided link.

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The Azure Podcast
The Azure Podcast

Short podcasts on various topics related to the Microsoft Cloud platform.

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