
Creator Kit - Subway Nav Component | Progress Indicator in Power Apps

This video tutorial showcases the Subway Nav Component and Progress Indicator in Power Apps through the Creator Kit. The kit is intended for those who want to build their applications completely from scratch. Through this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Subway Nav Component and the Progress Indicator in Power Apps, which can help improve navigation and user experience when designing and building applications.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, the Creator Kit provides a comprehensive guide for building applications and improving their functionality. By following the steps outlined in this video tutorial, you can apply these two components to your own applications, making them more user-friendly and engaging. So, if you're looking for ways to enhance the navigation and visual appeal of your Power Apps, this tutorial is definitely worth checking out!

The link to the tutorial video is provided above.

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Dhruvin Shah
Dhruvin Shah

Myself Dhruvin Shah. Professionally I am Power Platform Consultant. On this channel, I’m sharing my knowledge on different Microsoft technologies like ShareP...

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