
Microsoft Viva: Viva Insights flexible data model

Microsoft Viva: Viva Insights flexible data model

Microsoft Viva's Viva Insights is set to benefit from a flexible data model that allows you to add contextual data about your business, making it easier to drive outcomes for specific scenarios such as sales or developer productivity. With seamless data ingress, you can easily integrate this data into your dashboard, creating a holistic view of your business processes and enabling you to make data-driven decisions. This feature will be generally available from March CY2024, on the worldwide web cloud instance (Standard Multi-Tenant) platform.

To learn more about this feature and its release progress, you can check out the roadmap ID 164206 through the roadmap link provided.

The post Microsoft Viva: Viva Insights flexible data model originally appeared on M365 Admin.

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M365 Admin

by João Ferreira

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