
Azure Virtual Network Manager (AVNM) Mesh and Direct Connectivity are Generally Available!

Azure Virtual Network Manager (AVNM) Mesh and Direct Connectivity are Generally Available!

Azure Virtual Network Manager's (AVNM) mesh connectivity configuration and direct connectivity option in the hub and spoke connectivity configuration are generally available in all public regions! Visit our public documentation on connectivity configurations to learn more about AVNM’s connectivity configuration concepts, how they work, and steps to get started.


This feature enables a group of virtual networks to directly communicate to each other without an additional hop, thus improving the latency and management overhead of establish each virtual network's desired connectivity. For example, you can use this feature to let a subset of the spoke virtual networks in a hub and spoke topology that require low latency to directly communicate to each other. The traffic between these virtual networks can be filtered using network security groups (NSGs) and AVNM's security admin rules while still maintaining this direct connectivity. To learn more about security admin rules and their use cases, please see our public documentation on security admin rules.


Additionally, the traffic can be monitored using VNet flow logs. For further information, please refer to the public documentation on VNet flow logs.

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