
Episode 421 - Project Flash

Episode 421 - Project Flash

In this episode of the AZ podcast, the team discusses Project Flash with Pujitha and Sidhanshu. Project Flash is an initiative designed to improve virtual machine availability monitoring. It provides immediate actions and trend analysis at scale, making it possible for users to improve their VM availability in a more efficient and effective manner. Through this insightful discussion, listeners are briefed on the innovative ways by which this initiative operates and its significance in the world of VM availability.

In addition, the podcast also gives an update on several other recent developments, such as the public preview for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale reverse migration to a general-purpose tier and the IBM WebSphere with evaluation licensing being generally available on Azure, among others. This informative episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to keep abreast of the latest advancements in cloud computing.

Find the Media File for this episode at https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode421.mp3. Also, check out the resources for Project Flash at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/advancing-azure-virtual-machine-availability-monitoring-with-project-flash/.

The post also shares some links to new Azure updates, including the general availability of zone redundancy for Azure SQL Database general-purpose tier and Microsoft Purview, Azure SQL public preview updates for mid-April 2022, and a multipart discussion on getting rid of credentials in Azure.

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The Azure Podcast

Short podcasts on various topics related to the Microsoft Cloud platform.

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