
D365 FO Sending Email with SSRS reports as attachment using X++

D365 FO Sending Email with SSRS reports as attachment using X++

 Public class EmailCustAccountStmnt


public void run(CustTable _custTable)


SysOperationQueryDataContractInfo sysOperationQueryDataContractInfo;

SrsReportRunController reportRunController;

CustTransListContract custTransListContract;

SRSReportExecutionInfo reportExecutionInfo;

SRSPrintDestinationSettings printDestinationSettings;

SRSReportRunService srsReportRunService;

SRSProxy srsProxy;

QueryBuildRange qbrCustAccount;

QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource;

Object dataContractInfoObject;

Map reportParametersMap;

Map mapCustAccount;

MapEnumerator mapEnumerator;

Array arrayFiles;

System.Byte[] reportBytes;

Filename fileName;

Args args;

System.IO.MemoryStream memoryStream;

System.IO.MemoryStream fileStream;

CustParameters custParameters;

Email toEmail;


    Map                                 templateTokens;

    str                                 emailSenderName;

    str                                 emailSenderAddr;

    str                                 emailSubject;

    str                                 emailBody;


    Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Reporting.Shared.ReportingService.ParameterValue[]  parameterValueArray;






    custParameters          = CustParameters::find();


    reportRunController     = new SrsReportRunController();

    custTransListContract   = new CustTransListContract();

    reportExecutionInfo     = new SRSReportExecutionInfo();

    srsReportRunService     = new SrsReportRunService();

    reportBytes             = new System.Byte[0]();

    args                    = new Args();

    templateTokens          = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);

    var messageBuilder      = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();




    fileName    = strFmt("CustomerAccountStatement_%1.pdf", _custTable.AccountNum);



    reportRunController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(CustTransList, Report));





    // Modify query

    mapCustAccount = reportRunController.getDataContractInfoObjects();

    mapEnumerator = mapCustAccount.getEnumerator();


    while (mapEnumerator.moveNext())


        dataContractInfoObject = mapEnumerator.currentValue();


        if (dataContractInfoObject is SysOperationQueryDataContractInfo)


            sysOperationQueryDataContractInfo = dataContractInfoObject;


            queryBuildDataSource    = SysQuery::findOrCreateDataSource(sysOperationQueryDataContractInfo.parmQuery()

                                                                    , tableNum(CustTable));

            qbrCustAccount          = SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(queryBuildDataSource, fieldNum(CustTable, AccountNum));





    printDestinationSettings = reportRunController.parmReportContract().parmPrintSettings();











    reportParametersMap = srsReportRunService.createParamMapFromContract(reportRunController.parmReportContract());

    parameterValueArray = SrsReportRunUtil::getParameterValueArray(reportParametersMap);


    srsProxy        = SRSProxy::constructWithConfiguration(reportRunController.parmReportContract().parmReportServerConfig());

    reportBytes     = srsproxy.renderReportToByteArray(reportRunController.parmreportcontract().parmreportpath()

                                                    , parameterValueArray

                                                    , printDestinationSettings.fileFormat()

                                                    , printDestinationSettings.deviceinfo());


    memoryStream    = new System.IO.MemoryStream(reportBytes);

    memoryStream.Position = 0;


    fileStream      = memoryStream;

    toEmail         = this.getCustEmail(_custTable.AccountNum);


    if (custParameters.EmailId && toEmail)



        templateTokens.insert(#CustAccount, _custTable.name());

        templateTokens.insert(#EmailDate, date2StrXpp(systemDateGet()));


        [emailSubject, emailBody, emailSenderAddr, emailSenderName] =

            EmailCustAccountStmnt::getEmailTemplate(custParameters.EmailId, _custTable.languageId());




                        .setSubject(strFmt("Customer account statement for %1", _custTable.AccountNum))

                        .setBody(SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(emailBody, SysEmailTable::htmlEncodeParameters(templateTokens)))



        messageBuilder.setFrom(emailSenderAddr, emailSenderName);

        messageBuilder.addAttachment(fileStream, fileName);




        info(strFmt("Email sent successfully to the customer account %1", _custTable.AccountNum));




        info(strFmt("There is no email id mappiing for this customer %1 or check the Email template setup.", _custTable.AccountNum));




protected static container getEmailTemplate(SysEmailId _emailId, LanguageId _languageId)


    var messageTable = SysEmailMessageTable::find(_emailId, _languageId);

    var emailTable = SysEmailTable::find(_emailId);


    if (!messageTable && emailTable)


        // Try to find the email message using the default language from the email parameters

        messageTable = SysEmailMessageTable::find(_emailId, emailTable.DefaultLanguage);



    if (messageTable)


        return [messageTable.Subject, messageTable.Mail, emailTable.SenderAddr, emailTable.SenderName];




        warning("@SYS135886"); // Let the user know we didn't find a template

        return ['', '', emailTable.SenderAddr, emailTable.SenderName];




public Email getCustEmail(CustAccount _custAccount)


    CustTable                   custTable;

    DirPartyLocation            dirPartyLocation;

    LogisticsLocation           logisticsLocation;

    LogisticsElectronicAddress  logisticsElectronicAddress;


    custTable = CustTable::find(_custAccount);


    select firstonly Location, Party from dirPartyLocation

        where dirPartyLocation.Party                        == custTable.Party

            join RecId from logisticsLocation

                where logisticsLocation.RecId               == dirPartyLocation.Location

            join Locator from logisticsElectronicAddress

                where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location   == logisticsLocation.RecId

                    && logisticsElectronicAddress.Type      == LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Email

                    && logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary == NoYes::Yes;


    return logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator;


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Sherif Fayed
Sherif Fayed

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