
D365 Solution for Cloud Dev machine show error ' The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. '

D365 Solution for Cloud Dev machine show error  ' The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. '


You are getting 'The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.'Error show with all reports and  tired Rotate SSL Certificate but not complete.

will require applying the below steps and if still the same issue after this so you will need to redeploy this environment.
  1. Navigate to Lifecycle Services.

  2. In the Shared Asset library, click the Model

  3. Download the Renew WinRM certificate folder

  4. RDP to the environment

  5. Extract the zip file to a local folder

  6. Open mmc.exe and add Certificate snap-in (Computer)

  7. Open Personal\Certificates and locate the certificate with your VMs name which should have the expiration date passed

  8. Browse to the RenewWinRMCertificate folder that was previously created from extracting the zip file

  9. Select File > Open Windows PowerShell with elevated privileges (Run as Administrator)

  10. Run .\VirtualMachine-RegenerateWinRMCertificate.ps1 from the folder

  11. Refresh the Certificates console and confirm the Certificate has been created and the expiration date is now valid. (Optional: Delete expired certificate to avoid confusion)

  12. Restart the Environment from LCS (Stop \ Start)

  13. In LCS select Maintain > Rotate secrets

  14. Select 'Rotate the SSL certificates'

How to update the WinRM SSL certificate on environments deployed in your subscription - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

Rotate the expired or nearly expired SSL certificate on your subscription's one-box environments - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

in case when running step number 10  (Run .\VirtualMachine-RegenerateWinRMCertificate.ps1 from the folder ) and show below error 

1: Configure Network Security Rules>Go to Network Security Group of the Azure VM and change 'powershell-remote-rule' from Deny to Allow (this is just temporary; we will change it back after completing the rotation). 

Then run script It should work fine.

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Sherif Fayed
Sherif Fayed

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