
Trying to learn PowerBI? Meet Jeff Weir

If you're looking to learn more about PowerBI, you should consider checking out Jeff Weir. Jeff is an expert in the field of data analysis, and his Twitter profile and PowerBI dashboard provide a wealth of information on the subject.

Jeff's Twitter profile (https://twitter.com/InsightsMachine) is a great starting point for learning about PowerBI. He regularly tweets about the latest developments in the field and provides valuable insights into how to use the tool effectively.

In addition to his Twitter profile, Jeff has also created a PowerBI dashboard that provides an excellent training resource. The dashboard includes various data visualizations, including charts, tables, and maps, which Jeff uses to demonstrate the power of PowerBI. You can access his dashboard here: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiN2RkYmYwNTUtMTdkOS00ZDBhLTk3ODYtNDAxODZlZjE1NTg3IiwidCI6IjI5MzJhND...

But Jeff isn't just about Twitter and dashboards. He has also created plenty of YouTube content (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGDD2nQvv3Y), where he offers in-depth guidance on how to best utilize Power BI. His videos provide comprehensive tutorials on how to work with different data sets and showcase various PowerBI features and best practices.

If you're looking to build your PowerBI skills and expertise, Jeff's various resources are certainly worth checking out.

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Chris Wagner
Chris Wagner

This channel is dedicated to turning you into a Data God.This channel will teach you how to use Power BI to: become a Wizard of Wrangling Data, Rock at DAX, ...

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