
Trigger Power Automate only When SharePoint List Item Modified

This video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to trigger Power Automate only when a SharePoint list item is modified. With Power Automate, you can automate certain functions when specific changes occur in your SharePoint list, saving you time and effort.

The tutorial covers various aspects, such as creating a flow that's triggered only when the item is updated, selecting the correct actions and conditions, and configuring the trigger and actions to ensure that they fire only when required. By following the steps outlined in this video tutorial, you can streamline and automate your workflow, increasing your productivity and efficiency.

So if you're looking to automate certain tasks within your SharePoint list, this tutorial is an excellent resource to help you get started.

The video tutorial is available on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4wVOraa1Tk

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Dhruvin Shah
Dhruvin Shah

Myself Dhruvin Shah. Professionally I am Power Platform Consultant. On this channel, I’m sharing my knowledge on different Microsoft technologies like ShareP...

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