
Custom security attributes in Azure AD part 3: working with custom security attributes

Custom security attributes in Azure AD part 3: working with custom security attributes

If you're utilizing custom security attributes in Azure AD, this blog post provides a step-by-step guide on how to work with them efficiently. After creating an attribute set and its definitions, the next step is to assign values for these attributes across all relevant objects within the directory. It's important to note that currently, only user, service principal, and managed identity objects can use these custom attributes.

By following the instructions outlined in this post, you'll be able to effectively assign custom security attributes to these objects without any hassle. This can help you customize your security settings and ensure that only authorized parties have access to your resources.

Whether you're a seasoned Azure AD user or just getting started, this post is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their security practices. So, read on to learn more about working with custom security attributes in Azure AD.

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