
Centralized private resolver architecture implementation using Azure private DNS resolver

Centralized private resolver architecture implementation using Azure private DNS resolver

This article walks you through the steps to setup a centralized architecture to resolve DNS names, including private DNS zones across your Azure network and on-premises DNS using an Azure DNS private Resolver in a hub and spoke VNet topology.


Architecture diagram:



In the above architecture:

  • Two VNets are created: “HUB-VNET” and “SPOKE-VNET”.
  • An Azure DNS private resolver is created in the HUB-VNET with inbound endpoint at (
  • A DNS forwarding ruleset is created for the private resolver “myruleset”.
  • The DNS forwarding ruleset is linked to the HUB-VNET.
  • Rules are added to the DNS forwarding ruleset for the on-premises DNS server.
  • HUB-VNET is linked to all the Azure private DNS zones with Virtual network link.
  • On-premises network is simulated as a third VNet and is peered to the HUB-VNET.
  • ExpressRoute, Azure Firewall and ExpressRoute gateway are representational. On-prem to Azure connectivity could be a mix & match of ExpressRoute and Site-to-Site.
  • A conditional forwarder is created in the on-premises DNS server for the private DNS zones configured on Azure to inbound endpoint at (

Create Azure Hub virtual network:

Create HUB-VNET with address space and two subnets.

  • Subnet name: snet-inbound
  • Subnet address range:
  • Subnet name: snet-outbound
  • Subnet address range:



Create a DNS resolver inside the Azure HUB virtual network:

  • Create DNS private resolver in “HUB-VNET” with a DNS forwarding ruleset “myruleset”



DNS forwarding ruleset “myruleset” is created and linked to the HUB-VNET during the DNS private resolver creation. In this example there is only one rule in the ruleset.

  • Rule Name: onprem-contosocom
  • Domain name: contoso.com
  • Destination IP: port: (On-premises DNS server)



  • Add a Virtual network link for HUB-VNET with Azure private DNS “privatelink.blob.core.windows.net”



Create Azure spoke virtual network:

Create SPOKE-VNET with address space and one subnet.

  • Subnet name: app-subnet
  • Subnet address range:



  • Create a peering connection between SPOKE-VNET and HUB-VNET.
  • Specify the inbound endpoint IP address of the DNS private resolver ( as the custom DNS server for SPOKE-VNET.

Create a conditional forwarder:

 On-premise DNS server conditional forwarder

  • DNS Domain: blob.core.windows.net
  • Forwarder:



Test the DNS resolution

Now you should be able to send resolve DNS from Azure to on-premise as well as on-premise to Azure.

DNS resolution On-Premises:

  • On-premise client query’s on-premise DNS server (
  • On-premise DNS name is resolved by the on-prem DNS server
  • For Azure private DNS conditional forwarder is used. On-premise DNS server forwards the DNS request to Azure private DNS resolver inbound endpoint (
  • Azure private DNS resolver uses the outbound endpoint to query Azure DNS ( and resolves the DNS query for “myblobdnsdemo.blob.core.windows.net.” to (



DNS resolution in the hub VNet:

  • The virtual network link from the private zone to the Hub VNet enables resources inside the hub VNet to automatically resolve DNS records in privatelink.blob.core.windows.net using Azure-provided DNS (
  • Based on the ruleset “myruleset”, DNS resolution for contoso.com is forwarded and resolved through on-premise DNS server (
  • All the namespaces which are not matching the ruleset rule are resolved without forwarding using Azure-provided DNS. E.g. public DNS names.



DNS resolution in the spoke VNet:

  • The spoke VNet uses custom DNS and sends all of its DNS traffic to the inbound endpoint in the Hub VNet.
  • Since “privatelink.blob.core.windows.net” has a virtual network link to the Hub VNet, all resources in the Hub can resolve “privatelink.blob.core.windows.net”, including the inbound endpoint ( So, the spoke uses the hub inbound to resolve the private zone.
  • Contoso.com DNS names is resolved for the spoke VNet through ( according to rules provisioned in a forwarding ruleset.



Conclusion: Azure private DNS resolver helps implement a private resolver architecture without worrying about maintaining your own DNS server.

One can implement a centralized private resolver architecture as shown above example or can implement a distributed DNS architecture. In case of a distributed DNS architecture, the DNS forwarding ruleset is linked to the spoke VNet with a ruleset rule configured to forward queries for the private zone to the inbound endpoint ( of the private DNS resolver deployed in the hub VNet and another rule to forward queries for contoso.com to on-premise DNS server (


DNS resolution in the hub VNet does not require a ruleset for private zones as it can resolve privatelink.blob.core.windows.net using Azure-provided DNS ( It requires a ruleset to forward queries for contoso.com as shown in the above example “myruleset” rule “onprem-contosocom”.


Important: Hub VNet linked ruleset must not be linked to a forwarder ruleset with an inbound endpoint forwarding rule because this configuration can cause a DNS resolution loop.


Next Steps:



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