
Azure Role Assignments Audit Report

Azure Role Assignments Audit Report


Azure Administrators often come across challenges while tracking multiple Azure role assignments and removals. At present Azure provides Activity Logs but they make less sense to non-techsavy stakeholders. For example it includes Role Id, Principal Id but doesn't indicate Role names and Principal names which can make the report more readable. To ensure proper tracking and accountability, we need a comprehensive report that includes the following details:


  • Initiator and Timestamp
  • User/Group/Principal assigned/removed
  • Role assigned/removed
  • Scope of the Attempt   


  • Export subscription level Activity Logs to a Log Analytics Workspace. For this navigate to Subscription > Activity log > Export Activity Log > Add Diagnostic Setting 



  • Add Diagnostic Setting to export Administrative logs to a Log Analytic Workspace of your choice and hit the save button:



  • Navigate to the Workspace and Retrieve the Workspace ID from the overview section, we'll require this in our script.


We have created a solution that retrieves and refines information from the Log Analytic Workspace stored Activity Logs and creates a readable CSV report.




Sample Output:



PowerShell Script:

Please replace with appropriate workspace ID(line 32,33) and output CSV file path(line 57, 78). You can provide same values for both at multiple places. Based on the requirement and Log Analytics Retention the no. of days can also be edited(line 6,20)



#Login Azure Account Add-AzAccount #Log Analytics query for retrieving Role Assignment addition activities for the past 2 days $addqr = 'AzureActivity | where TimeGenerated > ago(2d) | where CategoryValue =~ "Administrative" and OperationNameValue =~ "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write" and ActivityStatusValue =~ "Start" | extend RoleDefinition = extractjson("$.Properties.RoleDefinitionId",tostring(Properties_d.requestbody),typeof(string)) | extend PrincipalId = extractjson("$.Properties.PrincipalId",tostring(Properties_d.requestbody),typeof(string)) | extend PrincipalType = extractjson("$.Properties.PrincipalType",tostring(Properties_d.requestbody),typeof(string)) | extend Scope = extractjson("$.Properties.Scope",tostring(Properties_d.requestbody),typeof(string)) | extend RoleId = split(RoleDefinition,"/") | extend InitiatedBy = Caller | extend Operation = split(OperationNameValue,"/") | project TimeGenerated,InitiatedBy,Scope,PrincipalId,PrincipalType,RoleID=RoleId[4],Operation= Operation[2]' #Log Analytics query for retrieving Role Assignment removal activities for the past 2 days $rmqr = 'AzureActivity | where TimeGenerated > ago(2d) | where CategoryValue =~ "Administrative" and OperationNameValue =~ "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/delete" and (ActivityStatusValue =~ "Success") | extend RoleDefinition = extractjson("$.properties.roleDefinitionId",tostring(Properties_d.responseBody),typeof(string)) | extend PrincipalId = extractjson("$.properties.principalId",tostring(Properties_d.responseBody),typeof(string)) | extend PrincipalType = extractjson("$.properties.principalType",tostring(Properties_d.responseBody),typeof(string)) | extend Scope = extractjson("$.properties.scope",tostring(Properties_d.responseBody),typeof(string)) | extend RoleId = split(RoleDefinition,"/") | extend InitiatedBy = Caller | extend Operation = split(OperationNameValue,"/") | project TimeGenerated,InitiatedBy,Scope,PrincipalId,PrincipalType,RoleID=RoleId[6],Operation= Operation[2]' #Please replace with appropriate workspace ID $addqueryResults = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -WorkspaceId "<replace with Workspace ID>" -Query $addqr $rmqueryResults = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -WorkspaceId "<replace with Workspace ID>" -Query $rmqr #Isolating Log Analytics query results $addqrs = $addqueryResults.Results $rmqrs = $rmqueryResults.Results #For each add query result find user/group name and role name to append into the CSV report foreach ($qr in $addqrs) { $rd = Get-AzRoleDefinition -Id $qr.RoleID if($qr.PrincipalType -eq 'User') { $prncpl = Get-AzADUser -ObjectId $qr.PrincipalId } elseif($qr.PrincipalType -eq 'Group'){ $prncpl = Get-AzADGroup -ObjectId $qr.PrincipalId } else{ $prncpl = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ObjectId $qr.PrincipalId } $qr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Role' -Value $rd.Name $qr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PrincipalName' -Value $prncpl.DisplayName #Replace with appropriate path $qr | Export-Csv -Path "<Replace Path>\<FileName.csv>" -NoTypeInformation -Append } #For each remove query result find user/group name and role name to append into the CSV report foreach ($qr in $rmqrs) { $rd = Get-AzRoleDefinition -Id $qr.RoleID if($qr.PrincipalType -eq 'User') { $prncpl = Get-AzADUser -ObjectId $qr.PrincipalId } elseif($qr.PrincipalType -eq 'Group'){ $prncpl = Get-AzADGroup -ObjectId $qr.PrincipalId } else{ $prncpl = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ObjectId $qr.PrincipalId } $qr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Role' -Value $rd.Name $qr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PrincipalName' -Value $prncpl.DisplayName #Replace with appropriate path $qr | Export-Csv -Path "<Replace Path>\<FileName.csv>" -NoTypeInformation -Append } # End of Script




Hope this helps!

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