
New high availability features for Azure Notification Hubs (Preview)

New high availability features for Azure Notification Hubs (Preview)

Azure Notification Hubs now come equipped with new high availability features to ensure that your push notifications are delivered seamlessly. These features include Availability Zones and flexible disaster recovery, which are now available for preview. In the event of a regional outage, the Availability Zones and default paired secondary regions act as a backup, ensuring that your push notifications are delivered without interruption.

This preview presents an exciting new prospect for users of Azure Notification Hubs. Businesses can continue to deliver push notifications without concerns about interruptions or delivery failures in the face of regional disruptions. These high availability features work in harmony with default paired secondary regions and are easy to set up.

If you're interested in experiencing this preview and proactively safeguarding your push notifications, make sure to give these exciting high availability features a try.

The post New high availability features for Azure Notification Hubs (Preview) originally appeared on Azure Notification Hubs Blog.

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