
Achieve Complex Multi-Combo Box Filters on Collections | Canvas App

Achieve Complex Multi-Combo Box Filters on Collections | Canvas App

This article delves into the world of complex multi-combo box filters for collections within Canvas Apps. The article uses a real-world scenario to explain how readers can build a dynamic filter for customer data. Through this tutorial, readers learn how to create an app capable of displaying highly-specific and detailed information, allowing for smoother navigation and deeper insights.

By following the step-by-step guide outlined within the article, readers will become familiar with creating dynamic apps and learn how to use collections, ComboBoxes, and other visual elements to achieve their goals. The tutorial is comprehensive and easy-to-follow, making it an excellent resource for both experienced and novice app builders.

If you're looking for a way to craft complex filters quickly and effectively, look no further than this tutorial.

Link to article: https://rajeevpentyala.com/2024/04/28/canvas-app-multi-combo-box-filters-on-collection/

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Rajeev Pentyala – Microsoft Power Platform
Rajeev Pentyala – Microsoft Power Platform

Sharing my knowledge on Power Platform, Dynamics 365, Azure & .Net Stack

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