
Canvas Apps: App vs Screen

Canvas Apps: App vs Screen

When building Power Apps canvas apps, it's important to understand the difference between an "app" and a "screen." An app is the entire application you build using Power Apps and serves as a container for all the components of your app including screens, controls, data sources, and logic. It defines the overall structure and environment of your canvas app, and you can set app-level properties such as the app's name, icon, and version number. A screen, on the other hand, represents a distinct interface or view within your canvas app. It is a specific page or section of the app that users interact with, and each screen typically focuses on a specific task or functionality within the app. You can design screens using various controls, layout elements, and styling options to create the desired visual appearance and user experience, and they allow you to organize and present information to users in a structured manner. Users can navigate between screens within the app using buttons, links, or other navigation controls.

If you're new to Power Apps canvas apps or looking to improve your app-building process, understanding the difference between apps and screens is crucial. With this knowledge, you'll be able to structure your canvas app in a logical and user-friendly way that helps you achieve your desired functionality and user experience.

The post Canvas Apps: App vs Screen was first published on Power App Builder.

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