SQL 4 CDS v7.2 Released

SQL 4 CDS v7.2 has been released, offering improved text-handling capabilities, better support for non-English environments, and a range of performance enhancements.
This new update includes support for "Collation", a term referring to the way text values are compared in a database. As different languages have different sorting rules, collation is crucial for filtering and sorting data, making it an essential feature for non-English language environments. Additionally, this update includes confirmation prompts in Azure Data Studio, providing a smoother experience for users.
If you're a database developer or administrator looking to improve performance and text-handling capabilities, this latest SQL 4 CDS release could be the solution. For more details, refer to the article by Mark Carrington linked below.
The post SQL 4 CDS v7.2 Released originally appeared on Mark Carrington.
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