
Filter In SQL Using IN, NOT IN, LIKE, And NOT LIKE

Filter In SQL Using IN, NOT IN, LIKE, And NOT LIKE

Filtering data in SQL for Power BI may seem like a daunting task, but this informative blog post breaks down filtering conditions for you. The post delves into four primary filtering conditions: IN, NOT IN, LIKE, and NOT LIKE. Using these filtering conditions can help you access data with greater ease.

The post goes on to provide an example of utilizing the IN and NOT IN operators to retrieve data within specific IDs. This illustrates how these filtering conditions can be used to streamline data selection.

If you're new to filtering data in SQL or looking to brush up on your skills, this blog post is a great resource to reference to improve your SQL knowledge and empower your Power BI dashboard designs.

For more detailed information on filtering data in SQL using these conditions, refer to the link provided in the post.

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