
Shadrack Inusah on The MVP Show

Shadrack Inusah on The MVP Show

In this episode of The MVP Show, we get to know Shadrack Inusah, his background, hobbies, and interests. Shadrack captures the audience with his story on how he entered the Power Platform industry, his involvement in the community and other group events he's been a part of. Furthermore, he talks about the app he created for the Power pap African challenge, the importance of mentorship in the tech industry, and his journey to becoming a Microsoft MVP. Shadrack also shares his excitement about the Power Platform and the biggest decision he ever made in his life. The episode serves as an insightful resource for those interested in learning about Shadrack and the Microsoft MVP community.

For more resources, listeners can refer to the show notes, which includes links to Shadrack's GitHub profile and other educational resources such as the Microsoft MVP YouTube Series and the 90-Day Mentoring Challenge. Support for the show can also be found through messaging the host on LinkedIn.

The episode can be accessed via Spotify.

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Microsoft Business Applications Podcast
Microsoft Business Applications Podcast

The Microsoft Business Applications Podcast is an education, technology, business and career podcast for the Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and those that work with these digital transformation tools. The format is guest interviews with Microsoft, Community, and experts who work with Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Dataverse and Power Virtual Agents. The podcast has three shows that are released twice weekly. #Power365Show #PowerPlatformShow #MVPShow https://podcast.nz365guy.com

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