
Get started with Autonomous ERP with Copilot

In this video, Georg Glantschnig, Vice President of AI ERP, provides insight into the latest developments in autonomous ERP and how it is leading the way towards the future of the industry. Georg guides us through the key features and benefits of autonomous ERP while showcasing how it is providing value to customers.

The video underlines how Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can be a key driver of transformation in organizations and how the implementation of autonomous ERP can significantly reduce human effort and errors. The complex data processing and analytics needed to operate an ERP system can be automated and optimized with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology. Georg explains how Copilot – the AI-powered assistant – can be integrated into your ERP system to offer intelligent recommendations and decision-making guidance, resulting in improved outcomes.

If you're interested in the future of ERP and how AI and Automation are transforming the industry, then this is the video for you. Join Georg on a journey towards a more autonomous ERP future.

Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tXT0XrDWPo

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