Power Platform Virtual Happy Hour - October - Wave 2 Review
If you're interested in digging deep into the Power Platform Wave 2 release, then this virtual happy hour is the perfect opportunity to join like-minded individuals in the journey. Hosted by Gustaf Westerlund and Leon Tribe, it offers a platform to discuss the good, the bad, and the indifferent aspects of this release, which is slated to hit live servers soon.
By joining this discussion, you can gain valuable insights into this release, which covers the latest advancements in the field of Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Power Apps. So, whether you're a developer, IT professional, or an avid Power Platform enthusiast, this virtual happy hour promises to be a lively and informative event.
The event serves as a platform to share your experiences and exchange insights with like-minded individuals. With expert guidance from the hosts, you can dive deep into the various features of this release and enhance your knowledge of the Power Platform ecosystem.
Overall, this virtual happy hour is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to gain valuable insights into the latest features and advancements in the field of Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Power Apps. So, grab a cup of coffee and join the conversation!
The link to this virtual happy hour is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bpwv5ef5VY
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