Microsoft Fabric - Good Notebook Development Practices

This episode sheds light on best practices for developing Fabric Notebooks, the primary artifact type in your code-base. Notebooks can quickly turn into large, unstructured dumps of code, making it difficult to track lineage throughout your transformations. By following a few simple steps, you can turn notebooks into a well-structured repository that's easy to follow.
The video highlights several useful practices you can adopt, such as adding commentary within your notebooks, structuring your logic into separate classes and functions to achieve modularization, and being explicit about the data you're reading and writing by defining schemas as code. The talk is divided into several chapters that cover the underlying principles of good development practices and methods to achieve them. For example, Workspace artifact folder structure and Notebook structure demo - commentary.
The video also contains useful links to learn more about creating folders in workspaces and developing, executing and managing Fabric notebooks. This episode is part of the Microsoft Fabric End to End Demo series that offers a comprehensive overview of how to use Microsoft Fabric effectively. Other related resources are also provided to help you master the art of using Fabric Notebooks.
Find the full video and all related content on Endjin's website.
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