External Recipient Rate Limit coming to Exchange Online
To prevent Exchange Online being used for high-volume emails to external recipients, Microsoft will be introducing additional rate limits from...
To prevent Exchange Online being used for high-volume emails to external recipients, Microsoft will be introducing additional rate limits from...
As part of Microsoft’s semi-annual currency alignment processes, Microsoft’s Commercial Cloud Products will see a drop of 5-6% fro...
From February 2025, the Dynamics 365 Customer Service Hub app will no longer be available to new enterprise customers – only the Custome...
As Microsoft’s annual business applications event ends for another year, we take a look at the more significant product announcements. W...
We marked our eighth birthday this week and we certainly have a lot to celebrate this year. Not only have we helped our customers take back co...
Microsoft have this week announced a number of pricing changes involving Copilot, Power BI, Teams Phone and annual subscriptions billed monthl...
Strategy 365 has been recognised by Microsoft for being a leader in helping businesses to modernise their workplace. We have received the pres...
The team here at Strategy 365 consistently go “above and beyond expectations” according to our customers. We recently conducted a Customer Sat...
Since 2022, the conference has been bringing together professionals, enthusiasts, and experts. We take a look at the event’s more signif...
To help shape the company’s future and assist their new Head of Customer Success and Projects, Strategy 365 have produced a customer sur...