
New chat sessions, new trainings, new e-book

New chat sessions, new trainings, new e-book

Exciting news in the world of Power Platform! A new wave of chat sessions, trainings, and an e-book have been released. As someone who has worked with Power Platform projects and Dynamics CRM, the author notes that certain aspects of the platform can be tricky to master.

To alleviate this, the new chat sessions provide a platform for users to interact and help one another tackle platform-related issues. Alongside this, there are also new trainings available that cater to different levels of experience, from beginners to advanced users.

And if that wasn't enough, the latest e-book takes a deep dive into the Common Data Service, highlighting its key features and capabilities, and ultimately providing useful tips on how to master it.

Whether you're a seasoned Power Platform user or just starting out, these resources are sure to enhance your experience and mastery of the platform. So why not check them out and take your Power Platform skills to the next level?

The post New chat sessions, new trainings, new e-book appeared first on It Ain't Boring.

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