
Episode # 83 – How do you feel about citizen developers? Are they good or bad for the health of your tenant?

Episode # 83 – How do you feel about citizen developers? Are they good or bad for the health of your tenant?

Episode #83 of M365 Voice explores the popular topic of citizen developers and their impact on the health of your tenant. With more and more people venturing into the world of low-code/no-code development, it's worth considering the benefits and drawbacks of this approach.

The episode features an insightful discussion on the challenges of maintaining governance and oversight as non-experts develop custom applications. With citizen developers having the ability to create and modify applications, the risk of security gaps and data breaches increases. On the other hand, allowing non-experts to develop solutions can also increase innovation and productivity.

To shed light on the topic, Episode #83 features a lively panel discussion with expert guests providing unique perspectives on citizen development, its benefits, and its drawbacks. If you're curious about citizen development and how it can affect the health of your tenant, this episode may provide some valuable insights.

Check out the M365 Voice website to watch the full episode.

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Microsoft 365 Voice
Microsoft 365 Voice

M365 Voice is a weekly podcast dedicated to share information with the community about the Microsoft 365 platform that includes Office 365, Windows 10 and EMS. Our podcasts will be 20 minutes each and will cover new features, updates, best practices and other ideas about the platform. We will also host guests from the community and from different Microsoft Product Group members.

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