
Service Connection guidance for AKS customers using Kubernetes tasks

Service Connection guidance for AKS customers using Kubernetes tasks

This post provides guidance for AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) customers using Kubernetes tasks to create service connections in Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps platform offers various tasks including AzureFunctionOnKubernetes, HelmDeploy, Kubernetes, and KubernetesManifest, which can be used to deploy Kubernetes clusters, and they can be easily configured using the connectionType property.

The Connection Type property allows you to select an AKS instance and target a Kubernetes cluster in different ways to suit your requirements. By following the guidelines outlined in this post, AKS customers who are using Kubernetes tasks can improve their productivity and efficiency when working with the Azure DevOps platform.

If you're an AKS customer looking to optimize your Kubernetes tasks and Service Connections for your application deployments, this post is a must-read for you. It offers step-by-step guidance on using Azure DevOps with Kubernetes tasks to create powerful service connections that help you streamline your operations and drive better results.

The post Service Connection guidance for AKS customers using Kubernetes tasks originally appeared on Azure DevOps Blog.

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