
DISTINCT vs VALUES DAX Functions in Power BI | BI Consulting Pro | DAX Sundays | DAX Tutorial | 4K

If you’re looking to up your Power BI game, consider exploring the functionality of DISTINCT and VALUES DAX functions. This video tutorial, part of the BI Consulting Pro’s DAX Sundays series, delves into the finer points of how these two functions operate, what sets them apart, and when to use each one.

The Values function returns a one-column table that contains the distinct values from a specified column. This makes it particularly useful when manipulating data for custom visuals or creating new calculations based on unique values. DISTINCT, on the other hand, filters out duplicate values within a column, allowing you to get a more accurate picture of the data you’re working with.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use DISTINCT and VALUES DAX functions to better analyze your data and create more nuanced reports and visuals. So why not give it a watch?

The post DISTINCT vs VALUES DAX Functions in Power BI | BI Consulting Pro | DAX Sundays | DAX Tutorial | 4K appeared first on BI Consulting Pro.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMl0xepQra4

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