Episode 440 - Azure and SAP - Better Together!
The team catches up with Holger Bruchelt to get an update SAP and why we now say "SAP and Azure" and not "SAP on Azure"
Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode440.mp3
YouTube: https://youtu.be/T70PrDkSQvI
https://microsoft.com/SAP - Overall picture at SAP on Azure
https://aka.ms/acss - This is THE central entry point for Azure Center for SAP Solutions
Overview and architecture of the SAP CDC capabilities (preview) - Azure Data Factory – this is the new SAP CDC Connector for ADF
https://youtube.com/SAPonAzure - our YouTube channel for SAP on Azure
Other updates:
Public preview: Customer initiated storage account conversion | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Ignite - Oct 12-14th, UK will have some in person element in Manchester this year, and local events will also take place in France, Germany, Latin America, Japan and China; Showcase of the latest innovations from Microsoft and partners.
Netapp Files now available in Korea South, Sweden Central
Cross-region replication now in Korea Central/south, North Central US, East US 2, France Central and West Europe;
Backup feature in public preview now expanded to SE Asia, UK South
https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-unmanaged-disks-will-be-retired-on-30-september-2025/ Managed disks have now been available for several years (2017), and unmanaged discs are being retired - so you need to migrate before 30 sept 2025. Advantages of managed discs include reliability, scalability, capacity, bursting, shared discs, etc.
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