Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform | My thoughts on Power Platform, JavaScript, C# and Software Development. Sometimes, I post when I am half-asleep

Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform | My thoughts on Power Platform, JavaScript, C# and Software Development. Sometimes, I post when I am half-asleep


My thoughts on Power Platform, JavaScript, C# and Software Development. Sometimes, I post when I am half-asleep

Resubmitting failed Logic Apps using Power Automate


Resubmitting failed Logic Apps using Power Automate

Even though each Logic App action has a retry policy, after a certain number of retries, the Logic App engine gives up and fails the whole execution. In these scenarios the Logic App needs to be re-run. You can use Power Automate to handle this scenario. You can download the Power Automate solution from https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvzjERKFC6gOx3-NptgmlSyD4FVu?e=vwxyAE […]

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