
App design in a modern Power App Practice with María Acevedo

App design in a modern Power App Practice with María Acevedo

If you're interested in the latest trends and practices in app design with Power Apps, you won't want to miss this podcast episode featuring María Acevedo. Hosted by NZ365guy, this episode explores María's background and journey into her career, as well as her thoughts on conversational interfaces, user experience design, and the current state of design engineering at Microsoft.

The episode kicks off with an introduction to María and her personal interests outside of work, before moving into a discussion of her career path and how she first got involved in Dynamics 365. From there, the conversation turns to the topic of conversational interfaces, and what they mean to María in terms of app design.

The podcast also covers María's thoughts on user experience design, and how it has evolved over the years. She shares her experiences working on various design projects and delves into the importance of accessibility guidelines and learning resources in the Power Platform.

The episode wraps up with a discussion of Maria's thoughts on what design features or functions she would like to see added to Power Apps to make it more compatible with the design expectations of app designers. She also talks about UI Kit and AgileXRM, the integrated BPM for Microsoft Power Platform.

If you want to stay informed about the latest developments in app design with Power Apps, this podcast episode with María Acevedo is definitely one you won't want to miss.

Full show notes for the episode can be found at https://podcast.nz365guy.com/382.

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Microsoft Business Applications Podcast
Microsoft Business Applications Podcast

The Microsoft Business Applications Podcast is an education, technology, business and career podcast for the Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and those that work with these digital transformation tools. The format is guest interviews with Microsoft, Community, and experts who work with Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Dataverse and Power Virtual Agents. The podcast has three shows that are released twice weekly. #Power365Show #PowerPlatformShow #MVPShow https://podcast.nz365guy.com

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