
Dates and values are displayed in your time zone. Because the project could take place in a different time zone, the project schedule may appear incorrect message in the Project entity/table – Dynamics 365

Dates and values are displayed in your time zone. Because the project could take place in a different time zone, the project schedule may appear incorrect message in the Project entity/table – Dynamics 365
We might get the below message/notification on opening the Project form – Dates and values are displayed in your time zone. Because the project could take place in a different time zone, the project schedule may appear incorrect. This message will appear if the Project’s timezone differs from the logged-in user’s timezone. The project’s timezone … Continue reading "Dates and values are displayed in your time zone. Because the project could take place in a different time zone, the project schedule may appear incorrect message in the Project entity/table – Dynamics 365"

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