
Microsoft Fabric Dataflows Gen2 - Beginner

Are you a beginner looking to create powerful dataflows with Microsoft Fabric? Look no further! This video tutorial is designed to help you understand and use Dataflow Gen2, the latest generation of Microsoft Fabric that offers more efficient data processing and better integration with the Power Platform.

The tutorial will cover the basics of Dataflow Gen2, including how to create a dataflow, how to connect to data sources, how to transform data, and how to create output tables. You’ll learn about the different elements of a dataflow, including entities, relationships, and attributes, and gain an understanding of how they work together to create a seamless data flow.

The instructor will also walk you through a real-life example of a dataflow, demonstrating how to create a dataflow from scratch using a CSV file as an example, and how to use various features to manipulate the data efficiently. Whether you’re just beginning with dataflows or looking to enhance your existing skills, this tutorial is an excellent place to start.

So, grab your notebook, sit back, and dive into the world of Dataflow Gen2 to take your data processing to the next level!

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwunxUI1jOk

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Chris Wagner
Chris Wagner

This channel is dedicated to turning you into a Data God.This channel will teach you how to use Power BI to: become a Wizard of Wrangling Data, Rock at DAX, ...

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