Temmy Wahyu Raharjo – Dreaming to be a clean coder and TDD minded programmer.

Temmy Wahyu Raharjo – Dreaming to be a clean coder and TDD minded programmer.


Dreaming to be a clean coder and TDD minded programmer.

Dataverse: Make use of INotifyPropertyChanged to get the latest state of Entity


Dataverse: Make use of INotifyPropertyChanged to get the latest state of Entity

Before we continue, this blog post will only work if you using Early-Bound on your plugin project (for Late-Bound, you can follow this blog post). The scenario that we will cover is to get rid of the hassle of the below method (I will show you using the code to make it easier): As you … Continue reading Dataverse: Make use of INotifyPropertyChanged to get the latest state of Entity

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