
Episode 488- Express Route Monitoring

Episode 488- Express Route Monitoring

In this episode, Jose Moreno joins Sujit and Russell to discuss Express Route configuration and monitoring in the context of networking. The trio explores in-depth the intricacies of effective networking using Azure's Express Route, highlighting best practices for configuration and monitoring. The media file for this episode is available at https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode488.mp3. Additionally, you can find a video of the episode on YouTube at https://youtu.be/KUhODMaQjEU.

Outside of the Express Route conversation, the episode also covers a few recent updates related to Azure. For example, Azure API Management Developer Portal has released enhanced features to boost developer productivity, while Azure Backup for AKS now offers the public preview of Regional Disaster Recovery. There is also a TLS/TCP Proxy Preview update to look forward to. Check out the link at https://open.spotify.com/episode/6YU9mCLNzWCJ4zO2VNMn9M for more details.

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