
Joins in Dynamics 365 Finance and operation | X++ Joins

Joins in Dynamics 365 Finance and operation | X++ Joins

Are you looking to combine data from two or more related entities in a query or report within Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations? Then this article on Joins in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is for you.

In Dynamics 365, joins are used to retrieve related data across different entities or tables in a single query. By utilising joins, you can create reports, dashboards or perform complex queries that involve data from various parts of the Dynamics 365 system. This capability enhances the ability to analyse relationships and dependencies between different entities, providing a more holistic view of business operations.

In Dynanmics 365 Finance and Operations, the article explains that X++ joins really support only four types of joins, but developers can write X++ code very similarly to T-SQL code to retrieve the data. The four types of joins and their similarities to T-SQL joins are outlined in the article. The joins covered include inner join, outer join, exists join and not exists join.

If you want to learn more about Joins in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, be sure to check out the article for more details and examples on each type of join.

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