
Episode 105: Azure and Entra ID Security Tools

Episode 105: Azure and Entra ID Security Tools

In this episode, Michael, Sarah, and Mark talk to Merill Fernando about a set of open source tools he and his team have developed to help people understand their Azure and Entra ID security postures.We also cover news about Fabric, TLS 1.o and 1,1 retirement, Microsoft Ignite, FIDO2, Confidential Containers and Red Hat OpenShift and various Zero Trust news.https://aka.ms/azsecpod

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The Azure Security Podcast
The Azure Security Podcast

A twice-monthly podcast dedicated to all things relating to Security, Privacy, Compliance and Reliability on the Microsoft Cloud Platform. Hosted by Microsoft security experts, Michael Howard, Sarah Young, Gladys Rodriguez and Mark Simos. https://azsecuritypodcast.net/ ©2020-2021 Michael Howard, Sarah Young, Gladys Rodriquez, and Mark Simos.

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