Copy simulations in Attack Simulation Training is now generally available. We are excited to announce that in Attack Simulation Training, you can now copy an existing simulation and modify it to suit your need which will save you time and effort when creating new simulations based on previous ones.
Also, Attack Simulation Training is now available for GCC High and DoD customers and has been released for Department of Defense (DoD) and Government Community Cloud High (GCC High) environments.
Gone Phishing Tournament™ Takeaways. In this blog, we would like to share the key takeaways from this report and provide insights on what it means to improve organizational resilience against phishing and social engineering attacks with tools like Attack Simulation and Training.
New short & sweet videos. Watch these 3-5 minutes videos to learn more about:
Last used date added to Tenant Allow/Block List entries for domains and email addresses, files, and URLs.
Enhanced clarity in submissions results: You can now see enhanced results within submissions across email, Microsoft Teams messages, email attachments, URLs, and user-reported messages. Learn more.
Take action replaces the Message actions drop down list on the Email tab (view) of the details area of the All email, Malware, or Phish views in Threat Explorer (Explorer). Learn more.