
How Microsoft Measures Business Value - Power CAT Live

In this episode of Power CAT Live, the discussion centers around how Microsoft measures business value. The video explores how Microsoft uses a data-driven approach to understand, measure, and articulate the business value of its products and services. The discussion highlights how there is often a gap between the expectations of a customer and the value that they actually experience from a product or service. By employing a data-driven approach, Microsoft aims to bridge that gap, providing customers with the value they expect and deserve.

The video further dives into the methodology and metrics used by Microsoft to analyze business value. They discuss how Microsoft teams gather data from various sources, such as customer feedback, user analytics, and surveys, to track the perceived value of a product or service. Additionally, they touch upon the importance of qualitative feedback from customers, as they strive to improve the overall experience.

The video concludes with a discussion on how Microsoft uses this data to make informed decisions on product development, investments, and marketing strategies. It provides valuable insight into how Microsoft is continuously improving its products and services to meet customer needs and provide maximum business value.

The video can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOkJI_e0Ni0

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