
Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures

Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures

In this podcast episode, Mark discusses the Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures (MCRA) and the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF). The MCRA provides a set of best practices and guidance for designing and implementing secure cloud-based solutions that protect against a wide range of cyber threats. The CAF, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive guide on how to navigate the complex process of cloud adoption.

While the episode focuses primarily on the MCRA and CAF, the hosts also briefly touch on the recent development that CosmosDB now supports Always Encrypted, which adds another layer of security for users.

Overall, this podcast offers a valuable and informative discussion on essential cybersecurity practices, cloud adoption strategies, and recent developments in the field.

The episode is available to listen on Spotify through the provided link.

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The Azure Security Podcast
The Azure Security Podcast

A twice-monthly podcast dedicated to all things relating to Security, Privacy, Compliance and Reliability on the Microsoft Cloud Platform. Hosted by Microsoft security experts, Michael Howard, Sarah Young, Gladys Rodriguez and Mark Simos. https://azsecuritypodcast.net/ ©2020-2021 Michael Howard, Sarah Young, Gladys Rodriquez, and Mark Simos.

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