
Communicating Research With R Notebook – Part 2

Communicating Research With R Notebook – Part 2

In part 2 of the series on communicating research using R Notebook, you'll learn how to build a basic framework for communicating research findings using R. The tutorial delves into making the hypothesis and creating additional sections on the viewer pane to collapse other ones.

The R Notebook provides you with an effective tool for conveying research findings and creating resources such as websites, books, and blogs. Using the best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can create visually engaging reports that represent your research findings in a compelling manner.

If you missed part 1 of the series on communicating reproducible research, the link is provided within the post. Additionally, you can download free resources to aid you in your research communication.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have the skills to generate a high-level report that captures and conveys your research findings with precision and clarity.

Read the full tutorial on Enterprise DNA.

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